Welcome to The Aylesbury Group (TAG)

The Aylesbury Group meets at lunchtime on the first Tuesday of the month in Aylesbury, at MIYA Japanese Grill and Bar www.miyarestaurant.co.uk,

Membership and attendance is by invitation only, with members holding senior positions within professional businesses in and around Aylesbury Vale, normally with only one Member from each profession/sector.

“We were very pleased to keep TAG meetings going right through the various lockdowns.  We are delighted to have progressed right through the TAG Roadmap, which we started in April 2021 and have been back holding our in person meetings since June 2021.  TAG recently celebrated its 6th anniversary!

When it was formed, TAG quickly established itself as a vibrant business development group, and we wish TAG to continue to evolve in the developing world around us all. 

The  interaction and developing projects and partnerships between members’ businesses has been a fantastic testament to the work that has gone in to develop TAG into the professional business group that it is today. In addition to ‘normal’ monthly meetings, there is an active program of Sponsors’ Events, the Annual TAG Banner Event, Speaker Events, the special Xmas Lunch and we also hold social events for members and their guests.

We are delighted to have contributions from our Members in how we all move forward with the group for the benefit of both our members and the wider business community in Aylesbury Vale and beyond. 

Since we started TAG, we have enjoyed a good association firstly with AVDC and then Buckinghamshire Council to profile community support and participation in particular. 

We have also worked closely with some local charities and are very pleased to have Chiltern’s Neuro Centre as our long-term chosen Charity Member, and the centre’s Head of Fundraising Stella Kubale attends our meetings.

We have now held over 75 consecutive meetings and TAG is arguably the premier business group in Aylesbury Vale and beyond.  For our normal meetings, we regularly have around 30 attendees and very much appreciate the continuing great feedback on what we are building in TAG.” 

Paul J Bolton, TAG’s Chairman April 2024


Membership is by invitation only

Our Members hold senior positions within professional businesses in and around Aylesbury Vale, normally limiting to one Member from each profession/sector.

We are delighted that TAG has continued its development – please see our Members’ profiles to see the very wide range of experience available within TAG and how they are able to assist …. click here


TAG links to our MP & Council

Very pleased to have been able to host meetings with a wide variety of special guests.  Delighted to welcome, then local MP David Lidington at our September 2019 meeting. click here  November 2021, had the overview from Steve Bowles on community matters from Buckinghamshire Council.  It is great to hear the local and wider perspective and very much helps TAG’s aims to continue to develop strong relationships with the business and local community.

Looking forward to welcoming Buckinghamshire Council as the meeting sponsor for our meeting on 10 January 2022.


Our 62nd consecutive meeting & TAG’s Fifth Anniversary!

Tuesday 06 December 2022

Had a special Xmas lunch and in a departure from our normal venue, we held the event at The Watermead Inn with our Charity Member as the sponsor.

Great to see so many members, guests and visitors attending and another new member has joined!

If you would like to know more about The Aylesbury Group we would be pleased to a answer any questions you may have!

Ask Us?